Looping Best Practices

We’re having a wonderful time utilizing Central Library’s Creative Experience!  This will be our third workshop we’ve done in the last year, with two more slotted throughout the rest of 2018.

We decided to do this workshop as an answer to the many folks who’s asked us to give them looping lessons.

“Looping lessons“, we thought.  “How would we do that?”

Understanding that some people want to master their equipment as quickly as possible, or they are having trouble figuring out the signal pathway, or visualizing the many ways loops can be utilized, we thought the easiest option was to do a free workshop on the subject.

Live Looping Best Practices

The workshop was interactive, giving the participants intermittent times throughout the 2.5 hours a chance to execute what they learned.  One they got a handle on a topic, we gave them more directives and advice to consider and dropping them back into the loops they were creating.

At the end of the workshop, we played everyone’s final loop they were tweaking, building, layering and mixing for all participants.

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